The kindness of friends

Filed under Happenings;
1 comment.

I’ve been at KansasFest only a few days, and already I’m reminded of how generous Apple II users are. Sean Fahey and James Littlejohn, at the expense of their time and money, have brought a literal busload of wares to freely distribute. Carrington Vanston and Dean Nichols, responding to a passing comment I made on the discussion list, brought some software I’ve long longed for, donating it to me with no favor expected in return. Martin Haye, knowing I was playing the role of the welcoming committee, made me a sandwich so I could have lunch without abandoning my post. Scott Miller lent me his USB-to-AC adapter, to replace the one I forgot to pack for my Kodak Zi8 digital video camera. Peter Neubauer and Andy Molloy went to Walgreens to get soda for the Juiced.GS pizza reception so that I could be here to receive the delivery from Waldo. And yet others have provided their traditional services, such as Kirk Mitchell slaving over a hot grill for the annual cookout, and Carl Knoblock coordinating and participating in the Peikop Endropov.

KFest cookies

Have an Apple cookie, courtesy Chan Miller.

KansasFest is what reminds me that the machine is what attracts the community, but it’s not what makes us a community. It’s the support we give each other that keeps us together, and I’m heartened to know we are as close as ever.

  1. Peter Watson says:

    LOL! It took me several attempts to work out how to pronounce “Peikop Endropov”!

    And while I’m here, I hope everybody has a great KFest!